In this post I am going to show you a reflection that I found this weekend whose main idea is that being a child is a job that no person would want right now.

The following text shows the reflection of a mother and a teacher, and without being a mother but a teacher (almost) if I would like to emphasize that I agree with her and that lately the times are changing, but certain things for better and others for the worse.
We can not turn children into machines and not let them enjoy the best stage of their lives, because although at this stage children are sponges and can learn everything very quickly we can not forget that they are CHILDREN.

So, we must think a bit before putting too much burden on our children or STUDENTS (this is also why I include it) before it is too late.

"Today we bring a reflection on the super schedules to which children are subjected in primary education.

Nowadays, when many external factors constantly invite us to divert concentration, one of the biggest problems detected in the classrooms is the lack of study habits, having a negative impact on the teaching-learning process of our students, reaching frustration due to bad academic results caused by a bad organization or simply due to a schedule that corresponds more to a minister than to a child who is studying any course of primary education.

We are at a time when many fathers and mothers think that their children have to study between 2 and 4 hours a day in the primary education stage, without knowing that a child needs to play, run, jump ... Many parents think that the more hours they study Your children will be smarter and more successful in life, often forgetting the age of their children.

The data shown below, are real data that I draw daily from my work as a teacher.

If we analyze carefully the schedule of a 6th grade child with an average of 3 hours in the afternoon, adding English 3 days per week alternating with football. There would be something like that.

08:00 Get up and breakfast

09:00 - 14:00 School

14:30 Lunch

16:00 - 17:00 English

17: 15- 17:30 Snack

17: 30 -20: 30 Study / Task

21:00 -22: 00 Shower and dinner

22:30 / 23 Break

Surely many adults would find it difficult to follow this rhythm for 9 months because all this is compounded by constant pressure "You can not lose 8", "Your colleagues have taken a 10 and you have not", "Study if you do not want to be a Nobody "and so I could continue to countless expressions. Think of a job with these characteristics that above the remuneration is based on success, where in the constant comparison with your "colleagues" you leave almost always losing, that at the end of your "working year" if you have not achieved the objectives you You are without holidays. And let's not talk about the demands in sports, which I'll write about in another post.

Surely many of us would not accept that job. So why do many families propose this "employment contract" to their children?

Due to this current, more and more children have great deficiencies in social relationships, solve everyday problems or simply go to frustration as a first option in an unusual situation.

Is there better academic performance?

At first glance it seems that yes, but as the course passes the performance low, due to the aforementioned pressure. I am totally sure that a relaxed student, happy and enjoying their learning will yield much more. "

After having shown my opinion and this reflection, do you as professors who think about homework and exams? You can comment and we will create a small debate or brainstorming.


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