Resultado de imagen de EDUCACIÓN ESPAÑA

In the Organic Law on Education, in class we saw the Preamble. After reading the most important parts of the preamble which offers the main streams of Education in Spain and explains the main ideas you'll have to take into account before designing any kind of syllabus or lesson.

We designed two activities related to this topic:


This activity has allowed me to clarify the most important information of the preamble. With the mind map I have learned the three main principles of the law, which are the following:

This activity has allowed me to establish a chronological order of some of the most important educational events in Spain. To do this activity we helped with information and a video that the teacher gave us.

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We were also talking in a group with colleagues about what we knew about the LOMCE, our opinions, what we would change, etc. The following video I found very illustrative to learn more about the Spanish educational law, the LOMCE (in Spanish):

From my point of view I think that this video as much as the test of the teacher that we were able to carry out, serves to strengthen knowledge of our educational law of which we have to take into account in our profession. 

Resultado de imagen de gif education


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