After having speaked in class of pisa reports i wolud like to add my following reflection on it:

As the chapter says, functions are the relationships that exist between an institution or social system with other institutions or systems that exist in society. These functions are present in the tasks that are carried out daily in the education of our society.
Therefore, these tasks / functions are very important for our society to be fulfilled in the education system. An author named Musgrave states that the relationship between an educational system and a social institution is vital for society because it will provide stability, change, politics, selection and economic.
Through the so-called pisa exams, the aim is to evaluate the training of students when compulsory education ends, although only the areas of reading, mathematics and scientific competence are evaluated, valuing the knowledge and skills of the students.
However, from my point of view, these exams should not only evaluate these areas or competences, since from the educational system every student should acquire a series of functions (specifically: cultural transmission and socialization, citizen education and legitimation, training and selection). for work, social mobility and custody). Therefore, these exams should evaluate these aspects / functions in addition to those already evaluated.
For me, these exams only evaluate and show the level of Spain with respect to these three competences, but not the general educational level of a country. The existence of scientific areas as an aspect that is evaluated in these exams is due to the so-called "technocratic logic" that aims to connect culture with current social interests. Due to this logic, the scientific subjects that had always been seen as a lesser weight compared to national subjects, have begun to gain greater weight, with the so-called LOGSE currently being the humanistic subjects at a disadvantage of scientific subjects. The education of our country is stagnant on the one hand (due to the fact that we are not advancing since, for example, our methodology is based on memorization), but on the other hand it is constantly changing (due to the different educational laws).
Likewise, I do not agree with the current "discrimination" with regard to humanistic subjects, without giving them the importance they really have.
Throughout the article several authors think that the position that we maintain in that ranking is positive and each year better, while from my point of view the position that we have in that ranking does not mean anything, because it does not reflect the true educational system of our country, on the one hand because it does not assess the true knowledge that the person can only have certain aspects chosen at their discretion, and on the other hand that our position can not be positive if each year the level of school drop-out in our country increases or the number of repeaters. Our goal should be to fight to change the methodology that prevails in our school system, which is based on the rote system, and try to develop each one's creativity.
The article also addresses the issue of improving the teaching profession. Other countries have better system of choice, training and recognition of teachers while in Spain this is not the case. Although it seems that several parties want to fulfill this objective, at present they have not achieved it.
Finally, from my point of view I think that the pisa reports measure knowledge in certain aspects / subjects, which do not fulfill all the social functions that our stay in a school system brings us. I think that these exams should deal with the different subjects since a person may have more difficulties with one subject than another, but nevertheless it may be better than another person in another subject. Nor does it reflect in its results the learning of the contents set in a school system, the performance of teachers or current programs. In addition, these exams are different in one country than in another, so the evaluation is not homogeneous, the knowledge is evaluated in different ways.
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