This platform provides the educational teams (teachers, coordination staff and center management, library services or guidance, etc.) of participating European schools with tools to learn, communicate, collaborate and develop projects or what is the same be part of the largest digital educational community in Europe and enjoy teaching and learning.
Encourages school collaboration in Europe using information and communication technologies (ICT) and supports schools by providing them with the necessary tools and services to facilitate their partnership to develop a common project.
eTwinning also offers free ongoing online professional development opportunities for educators.
eTwinning was born in 2005 as the most important initiative of the eLearning Learning Program of the European Commission and since 2014 is part of Erasmus +, the European Union's program on education, training, youth and sport.
Maribel showed us a proposal that she made in a school and it was amazing. You could only see from the beginning the amount of work that had to do that and the difficulty of agreeing between the different teachers and countries.

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